
Why Choose us?

If you fail to plan then you plan to fail....


Provide superior and unique quality wood products. That not only fill a functional role in our customers lives but pass the test of time. Our motto is Well-aged means well used . 

Founders Story

One step at a time can take you so many places…


Everything starts with a thought.  I started as a machinist over two decades ago. During that time, I accomplished several achievements in corporate America. Calculated moves can help you get desired results.  Thus, the law. Next move best move. I utilized my jobs tuition reimbursement. Put my head down and completed my studies. Walked the stage then walked out of College a Manufacturing Mechanical Process Engineer. Seems logical for how I was raised. I was taught everything in life has a process. My mother raised us with religion and structure. After all, she was a Black RN that could work from the Emergency Rooms to Running Floors in a hospital.  She was a pioneer to what you see now.  But we ultimately move by god’s plan. Over the next 20 years I worked in corporate America on a mission to master Manufacturing Engineering. I exceled in my roles from Process Engineer to CAD Cam Engineer to Principal Manufacturing Engineer.  Covering all sectors of manufacturing from medical, to Automotive, to Aerospace and finally space projects. Very gratifying and fulfilling work. To know what you work on either saves lives or protects lives. But my desire to do something on my own never died. 

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